PL/SQL Section 15 Quiz
1. You can define variables and assign values to them using PLSQL_CCFLAGS. Then test the values of the variables using inquiry directives. True or False? Tandai untuk Ditinjau (1) Point True (*) False Correct 2. How would you determine the current Oracle database version? Tandai untuk Ditinjau (1) Point DBMS_DB_VERSION.VERSION (*) DBMS_DB_VERSION.RELEASE DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_11 DBMS_DB_VERSION.VER_LE_10 Correct 3. Identify the selection directives used in conditional compilation. Tandai untuk Ditinjau (1) Point $$IF $$THEN $$ELSE $$ELSIF $$END $IF $THEN $ELSE $ELSIF $END (*) $IF $THEN $ELSE $END $CCFLAG $IF $THEN $ELSE $ELSIF $ENDIF $$IF $$THEN $$ELSE $$END $$DEBUG Incorrect. Refer to Section 15 Lesson 3. 4. Conditional compilation allows you to include extra code to help with debugging, which can be removed once errors are resolved. True or False? Tandai untuk Ditinjau (1) Point True (*) False Correct 5. O...